Health & Wellness · mental health · self care · Spirituality

Creating space

You may have heard people using the term “create space” lately with topics from self-care to social justice, but what does that actually mean? I can’t speak for other people and what their take on it is but for me creating space means carving out a place for you to feel comfortable and whole; that… Continue reading Creating space

Creativity · Spirituality · Uncategorized

Is social media draining your creativity and spirit?

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and countless other sites and social media outlets have us feeling more connected than ever. We can meet and talk with people around the world with lighting speed like we were never able to before. The internet has enabled us to find and expand our tribe, but is there a cost… Continue reading Is social media draining your creativity and spirit?

Health & Wellness · mental health · Spirituality

Spiritual practices that aren’t really spiritual but can help you feel better

Spiritual practices are things that I do often to help keep my mind and soul recharged and happy. We often put a lot of emphasis on making sure our bodies are healthy but how often do we make sure that our minds and hearts are? Spiritual practices can be as simple as taking a leisurely… Continue reading Spiritual practices that aren’t really spiritual but can help you feel better

mental health · self care · Spirituality

“Will the real (insert name here) please stand up?”

Honor thyself Seriously! Have you ever witnessed someone being so true to themselves that it made you stare in awe? Did you feel jealous that they were able to walk in their truth while you kept sweeping away your greatness? If you haven’t then you are truly an ascended master and you probably shouldn’t be… Continue reading “Will the real (insert name here) please stand up?”